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Seeking An Expungement? Our Lansing Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help.

In Michigan, individuals may seek an expungement of criminal records to obtain a fresh start after a previous criminal conviction. Through an expungement, an individual may be able to remove a past criminal conviction from their permanent record. This can make it easier to secure employment, housing, and access to education.

An expungement may also offer a chance for rehabilitation, reducing the stigma of a criminal history and allowing for a brighter future.

Can You Expunge Your Conviction?

Starting on April 11, 2023, some criminal convictions began to be automatically expunged in Michigan. However, not all people are eligible for an expungement – and not all criminal offenses are eligible to be expunged.

For those with convictions that are not automatically expunged, you can file an application to set aside (expunge) your conviction. If your application is denied, you may still have options, including requesting a rehearing or appealing the decision. Our attorneys can help you understand the options available to you at all stages of the process.

After a conviction is successfully expunged, it is effectively hidden from your criminal record. Only select individuals can then still view the conviction through a non-public record, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and courts with the authority to view the conviction. Even then, there are only a select number of reasons why these officials can view these non-public records.

We Can Help You Understand Your Options

At Bahrie Law, PLLC, we can help you explore your options for seeking an expungement in Michigan. Schedule a free consultation by contacting us online or calling 888-473-1289 to discuss your circumstances.

More information about expungements in Michigan can be found by following these links: